Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Red Epitaph: A Dream

Oh dreaming! That may sound overly simplistic, but that’s where it starts. Imagination is the arsenal that brings a dream to life. Some people dreams in sleep. And some people can’t sleep making that dream real.

 My dream? It’s not just a hallucination, it’s more than that. It lies inside the red bricks of Curzon Hall. I can still smell the ancient history of Curzon Hall. My dream is to study there. It is the heart of Dhaka University and the heart of thousands of students of science faculty. And it is the place where the young students upraise their voice against the language policy that Mohammad Ali Jinnah tried to impose. I want to be a part of that glorious history. I can give millions of exams sitting in town hall with a smiling face. I want to spend the whole night just gossiping in the moon light. I want to represent an idea, I want to represent possibilities. I want to fall in love with this ruby paradise  millions of times again and again and again.
 But should I be looking for my dream job, or trying to monetize my passion? Is that a recipe for happiness…….or a recipe for disaster ? Definitely it would be a disaster ! People who are running toward their dreams, life has a special kind of meaning. And this is what I believe……..I can make my parents proud, I can make my college proud , I can judge millions of people’s lives. And the world will never be the same again. Because I came this way. I can imagine thousands of black graduation caps flying high up in the air when the pale afternoon sun dipped low over the red paradise. With the help of my mind palace I can see my own graduation cap just there, among the thousands.
Do you believe in infinity? I do believe. Some infinities are bigger than other infinities. And my infinity is to become a bright member of Curzon Hall. And I want to place my name in the abyss of those bloody red bricks; the red epitaph. This is what I’m dreaming of.

Project HoloLens: You can change the world you see!

We are living in a world where fictions are becoming facts every moment. And Microsoft is making something crazy! They are turning fictions into facts. They suddenly pushed us into the age of "StarTrek" and "Minority Report". They envisioned a world where technology could become more personal - where it could adapt to the natural ways we communicate, learn, and create. Where our digital lives would seamlessly connect with real life. It has gone beyond our Imagination. Microsoft HoloLens is their upcoming product that can change the world.

Microsoft HoloLens goes beyond augmented reality and virtual reality by enabling you to interact with three-dimensional holograms blended with your real world. It is more than a simple heads - up display, and its transparency means you never lose sight of the world around you. High -definition holograms integrated with your real world will unlock all new ways to create, communicate, work and play.

Microsoft HoloLens is just a wearable glass with a GPU, a CPU, a HPU and a hell lot of sensors in it. This device intelligently maps the room you're in, blending holograms with the environment around you. Pin holograms to physical locations you choose so that your room becomes the canvas for your imagination.  There isn't a screen to touch or a mouse to click. It uses gestures to create, shape and size holograms. It uses our eyes to navigate and explore. It uses our voice to communicate with our apps. We can also share our vision through Skype!

As a HoloLens wearer, you'll still see the real world in front of you. You can walk around and talk to others without worrying about bumping into walls. There's a whole bunch of other hardware that's designed to help the HoloLens' effects feel believable. This device has a plethora of sensors to sense your movements in a room. It also have a camera to detect objects. You can go somewhere you've never been before and get to know it from every angle. That doesn't just let you see the digital world around you ; it lets you see it on top of the real world.

Microsoft started a new era of technology by making HoloLens. It sounds like science fiction,  but if these devices work the way tech luminaries hope they can, such dreams may be reality sooner than we think. Microsoft HoloLens will definitely be a bomb out there!